Dana Gallagher, MPH, PA, CHIC

Looking Through New Eyes

“What did you DO?” I often get asked this question, admiringly, by clients who think that I have somehow worked magic in an intractably difficult workplace. As flattering as that may seem, here’s the thing:  9 times out of 10 I haven’t “done” anything. I’m not being humble. Truly, it is not that I pulled

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Feedback: The Gift That Keeps Giving

Imagine receiving a gift. You are probably picturing yourself extending your hands, taking whatever is offered, opening it with happy anticipation, and saying a delighted thank you. Unless what you are receiving is feedback. Although this is not so true for my colleagues in Japan, in California we spend a lot of time giving, getting, or otherwise

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The Sky’s The Limit: Risk

Typically I write my blog first, and then find a photo to support the content. This time, I was looking through my archives and found this photo of the sky. I love the photo, and what immediately popped to mind was, “The sky’s the limit!” This thought would not let me go, as if there were

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Stepping into “The New Normal”

Unless you have been living under a very large rock, you know that our workplaces are undergoing big changes. Things we hoped would change are changing (yay!) and things we thought were givens are changing too. Despite knowing that swift and continual change has become “the new normal,” many people have not yet taken this in. Recently, a

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Energy over Time: Part II

In my previous post “Energy Over Time: Part I,” I discussed spending your energy wisely, by tackling your most important tasks at times when you have the most mental acuity. In this post, I’ll be looking at some of the less obvious–but vitally important–aspects of stewarding your energy for the long haul. As I mentioned in the previous

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Energy over Time: Part I

Many of my clients ask me for help with “time management.” Their schedules are over-run with meetings, projects, and tasks that they worry will never get done. Although this is a common complaint in today’s workplace, I’m not convinced that this is actually a “time management” problem. Undoubtedly there are people who have poor time management

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Lead into Gold: Coaching as Alchemy*

Recently I saw an advertisement announcing the 25th anniversary edition of Paulo Coelho’s book “The Alchemist.”** I remembered enjoying the book when I first read it, but had totally forgotten the story line. On a long car trip last week, I listened to it on audio, and was reminded exactly why I had so enjoyed it. Mainly, I really love the

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