Dana Gallagher, MPH, PA, CHIC

VUCA* on Steroids

In February 2020, I unknowingly wrote my last blog post during what I now think of as “The Before Times.” In it I wrote, “The old way of living and working is gone. The new way is emerging but has not yet arrived.” Boy, was that an understatement. Three weeks after that post, the whole

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People Rising: Connection in a VUCA* World

In my 3 part series on building resilience in a VUCA world, this last installment is about connection. When things are volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, many of us sideline connection, choosing avoidance, numbing, or hunkering down instead. Because VUCA environments are swift and often unforgiving, it is perhaps natural to just want to drop

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The Bad Leadership Chronicles: People Rising

I haven’t written a blog post for over a year because frankly, I couldn’t. The horror of living in Trump’s America was my undoing. I had a particular set of responses to his daily assaults which cycled something like: horrified, furious, stunned, numb, terrified, stunned, numb, heartbroken, stunned, numb. Rinse and repeat. I could not

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The Bad Leadership Chronicles: Stable Genius

In reaction to concerns about his mental fitness for the presidency, Trump has informed us that he is “like, really smart” and a “very stable genius.” From a leadership perspective, here’s what’s wrong with that: If your constituents have concerns or reservations about your fitness, it is up to you as the leader to listen

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