Dana Gallagher, MPH, PA, CHIC

Burn It To The Ground: Flood the Zone

Burn It To The Ground: Flood the Zone

Here in the US, a coup is underway. There is so much happening so quickly that it is not possible to integrate it all. You may feel your nervous system being overwhelmed in trying to take everything in—and as a result you may feel yourself ping-ponging between the poles of panic and shutdown.

It’s not comfortable to feel this way, but it IS normal. Our brains are not built to process everything that is coming toward us at this moment.

However, that does not mean there is nothing to be done. Here are some quick and simple interventions to make today a bit more doable:

If you are feeling very agitated and anxious, you can bring yourself closer to calm by

•Doing 4-7-8 breathing; here’s how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8fjYPC-k2k and/or

•Taking three slow breaths and dropping your shoulders on each exhale, and/or

•While breathing slowly, consciously exhaling longer than inhaling.

•Planting your feet on the floor and pushing down into the earth. [When we are in “fight or flight” our bodies lean forward onto our toes to prepare for a quick response. Placing the foot flat on the ground and bearing down gives a grounding message to our nervous systems.]

If you are feeling paralyzed, you can bring yourself back into action by

•If you are sitting, standing up quickly. If you are standing, run in place for several seconds, and/or

•Going to a window and looking outside. Notice everything that is moving (the wind in the trees, a car going down the street, a bird in the sky). Give your brain the evidence that the world is in motion, and that you can be too.

-If you are feeling powerless, you can

•Call or text a friend to check on them, and/or

•Get your hands busy–cook, pull weeds in the garden, pet a dog, or knit, and/or

•Connect with your community of friends–go for a walk together, share a meal, and/or

•Find an online community that is taking action and DO something. https://www.mobilize.us/indivisible/

When your zone is being flooded, it is best to simplify. Chunk your tasks into what you can/must do TODAY—and do that. It is OK to do the bare minimum until your nervous system stabilizes.

And, as best you can:

Be kind to whomever is in front of you (including that person in the mirror!)

Stay in the moment.


Recent events have left many of us traumatized, while countless others are having reactivations of old traumas. The months ahead may well be perilous. If you are trying to work while navigating through these perilous times, you may benefit from coaching. If you would like executive coaching, team coaching or leadership training that is trauma-informed and focuses on self-regulation of the nervous system, please contact me at danamgallagher@gmail.com.

Dana Gallagher


Andy Handler Posted on9:14 pm - Feb 4, 2025

Thanks Dana. I’ve got one hand in yours and a free hand for the next person as we jump into this.

    Shoshana Rosenfeld Posted on11:58 pm - Feb 4, 2025

    Here Andy, take my hand!

Stephen Chin Posted on4:17 pm - Feb 5, 2025

Thank you, Dana. It’s been a challenge on so many fronts lately. Appreciate your guidance on how we can stay true.